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Updated: Mar 6, 2023

It is the clinical name given to a person who has head lice. There are 532 species of lice worldwide. The 3 types of lice found in humans are head lice, body lice, and pubic or crab lice.

* Adult head lice are 2 - 3.3mm in length. Head lice prefer to inhabit clean, healthy hair. These lice infest the head and neck, attaching their eggs to the base of the hair shaft. Lice crawl, they don't have wings so they can't jump or fly. They suck blood to feed from their antennae

* Adult body lice are 2.3 - 3.6mm in length. They usually inhabit and incubate their eggs in clothing and only move to the skin to feed.

* Adult pubic lice or crabs are 1.1 - 1.8mm in length. They are usually attached to hair in the pubic area, but can also be found on other parts of the body (such as eyebrows, eyelashes, beards, mustaches, chests, and armpits)

One of the most common head lice myths is that people believe that head lice come from poor hygiene or socioeconomic status of the person but that is actually a myth. The truth is that lice do not discriminate, it has nothing to do with the person's socioeconomic status, skin color, hair type, or personal hygiene. Lice prefer hair that is as clean as possible so that the eggs (nits) can adhere to the scalp; dirty hair, with oils/grease, hinders its adherence to the hair shaft.

Knowledge is the best investment you can make. This content is to create awareness in the community and we must understand that we should not criticize anyone for having lice, having lice is a natural fact in human life, especially at school.

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